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OIC -4 associations rate behavior
"Insurance agent-broker"

Mr. Chuchat Pramunphon, Secretary-General of the Insurance Business Regulatory and Promotion Commission (Secretary-General of the OIC), revealed that the Office of the OIC, as an agency regulating the insurance business and supervising the performance of duties of insurance agents or brokers who are A middleman in persuading or directing people to make insurance contracts with insurance companies, which is considered an "insurance middleman" is an important person in driving the insurance business and in the past, the OIC has taken legal action both administratively by revoking the certificate. Licensed to be an insurance agent or broker and criminally by taking insurance fraud cases against insurance agents or brokers who continuously violate the law. Therefore, in order to enhance measures to deter insurance agents or brokers from violating the law. external agencies, such as the license registration system. Insurance agent/broker/casualty assessor (e-Licensing) of the inspection line

The OIC therefore initiated guidelines to prevent insurance fraud by insurance agents or brokers from upstream to downstream. By creating a project to develop a system to share a database on insurance fraud. By the legal and case line Together with the Center of InsurTech Thailand or the CIT Center of the OIC, jointly developed tools to help increase efficiency in preventing insurance fraud by insurance middlemen from the upstream. It starts from the process of considering the issuance of a license to be an insurance agent or broker in order to screen people to become insurance agents or brokers in the insurance business. This operation received good cooperation from the insurance industry and related parties. with all parties agreeing that This project is beneficial in deterring insurance fraud that damages the overall insurance industry. At the same time, it enhances the good image of insurance and insurance intermediaries. Including protecting the rights of the insured and the public as well.

"Guidelines for considering the issuance of a license to be a new type of insurance agent or broker In addition to considering the life insurance and casualty insurance laws that specify details about the qualifications of insurance agents or brokers, Applicants for the license must not have a history of committing insurance fraud or having their insurance agent or broker license revoked. or have a criminal record for property crimes As strictly prescribed by law The insurance company must verify the information of the license applicant. in such system as well Before the insurance company checks the information in the system, it must proceed strictly under the Personal Data Protection Act. That is, the insurance company must obtain consent to disclose information from the insurance agent or broker who wants to check. take a test Before taking the ID card number of the person applying for the license who has given consent to request a background check regarding insurance fraud or the revocation/suspension of the license of the agent or broker in such system. When the system has processed It will show the results of the inspection to see what level of surveillance the applicant's behavior is in,” Mr. Chuchat said.

In the said system, the level of seriousness is divided into 4 levels: level one, red, in the case of an insurance agent or broker whose license is being suspended; or the license was last revoked not more than 5 years from the date of the order to suspend or revoke the license. Level 2, orange, in the case of an insurance agent or broker whose license was last revoked for more than 5 full years from the date. There is an order to revoke the license or in the case where the insurance company reports that the person has engaged in insurance fraudulent behavior. Entered into the Insurance Fraud Reporting System of the Office of the OIC. This is a case where there is clear evidence. or a legal action has been reported. Level three, yellow, in the case where an insurance company reports that the insurance agent or broker Is a person whose behavior may be considered insurance fraud. Enter the Insurance Fraud Reporting System of the Office of the Insurance Commission or have a complaint and are under investigation by the Office of the Insurance Commission and Level 4, green, in the case that the insurance agent or broker does not have a blemishable history, that is, is not currently being suspended. Use license Never had a license revoked and there was no history reported by the insurance company that said that person Has behavior that constitutes insurance fraud or may be insurance fraud

Insurance companies can accept insurance agents or brokers who fall into the orange and yellow categories. To be an agent or insurance broker under the company This is because the Office of the Insurance Commission does not enforce or limit rights. Because the information from the said system is only supplementary information for the insurance company to manage risk and consider screening before accepting individuals to be insurance agents or brokers under the insurance company.

Secretary-General of the OIC added that The project to develop a database sharing system on insurance fraud will be a tool to help deter and prevent insurance fraud from insurance agents and brokers entering the insurance business in the future. and help determine the operating guidelines of insurance companies to be under the principles of good governance. Risk management Including managing liability for the insured or the public. In the case where the insurance company has considered agreeing to accept an insurance agent or insurance broker who has a history of committing insurance fraud or whose license to be an insurance agent or broker has been revoked. or have a criminal record for property crimes Becoming an agent or broker

The Office of the OIC will further develop the said system in parallel, such as preparing to develop a system to support linking with both the OIC Office's internal database and the systems of external agencies, such as the license registration system. Insurance agent/broker/casualty assessor (e-Licensing) of the inspection line

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